Insights &
information on
this wild buckin'
ride as an 
Equestrian Entrepreneur

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EE Blog

Whether your business generates money with or in horses; it is okay to make money..some money.. lots of money.. life changing money. Profit isn’t greed, it’s the purpose of business.

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 27, 2023

Equestrian Entrepreneur Permission Slip

There is a shared thought within our industry that if a business is financially successful; they aren’t in it for the horses. That they are even greedy for making a profit within or with horses. 

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

Profit and Greed in the Equine Industry

If you treat your business as a hobby and do the hard stuff only when you feel like it; you’ll stay trapped in the cycle and wonder why you’re not growing.

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

Tips for Equestrian Entrepreneurs

The horse world used to be filled with people who would work from sunrise to sunset for little to no-pay. As a teenager and young adult, I was one of those people. If I wasn’t at school; I was either at my part-time job or at the barn working off-board and lessons. 

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

Where Did the Workers Go?

Equestrians need to spend time learning how to budget their money, so they can pay their bills on time.  Equestrian entrepreneurs need to create businesses that price to profit and maintain their budget. It will likely include open conversations on how to get from A to B but if we talk and listen about the struggles we’re facing, perhaps we can manage to find a solution. 

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

Money in Horses vs Money with Horses.

Before your sales begin to make you money, it’s important to know the amount of money that must be made to cover the bills. By pricing based on data, you can make sure you’re creating profit.  This begins with capturing all of your expenses. 

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

You can make money in horses.

Developing a financial foundation in your business is just as important as building a beautiful brand. Together, they can create stable and profitable businesses within the horse world. 

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

Create a Financial Foundation to support your Equestrian Business

You’re not just building your business, you’re building and growing yourself.

An equestrian entrepreneur.

Equestrian Entrepreneurship

March 10, 2023

The Cost of Equestrian Entrepreneurship